Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Should a Football Team be Suspended Over Cyber Bullying?

Should a football team be suspended over cyber bullying? Well a football team and Utah had that happen to them; on September 20 their coach Matt Labrum asked for their jerseys back. A student at the school was being harassed on Ask.fm and believed that it was players on the football team. The website where users can ask each other questions anonymously has been linked to at least five suicides globally. They couldn't identify who the bullies were but the coaches met with the student and apologized. The coach is giving the team a chance to be able to join the team again by doing community service and character building activities. Now after learning about this I thought it was a great that the coach had the courage to do that because I know people would get mad about this. I think a lot of schools would have shrugged it off because they were football players and that's pretty important at most high schools. Too many people get away with cyber bullying because the bully might be well liked or the school might simply say its on the internet so they can't do anything about it. I think it’s good that the coach is making them earn back their jerseys, hopefully doing community service and activities to build character will help them realize their wrongs and change for the better.

work cited: http://america.aljazeera.com/watch/shows/the-stream/the-stream-officialblog/2013/9/26/utah-high-schoolfootballteamsuspendedovercyberbullying.html

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